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(Text by Duane R. Hurst © 2013)

God/Goddess and Brief Description:
Aah (Iah) Moon god. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Ah Lish "God" Being with supreme intelligence, power, glory and justice. (see explanation)
Amon (Amun) midday Sun god; chief god of Egypt. Also represented by Jupiter. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Amun-Re supreme god of the New Kingdom (1550-1090 BC); merging of Amon and Re. Consort was Mut. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Anubis jackal god; protector of the dead and embalming. "God of the white land" (land of the dead). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Apep god of darkness and chaos (represented by snake)
Atum god of setting Sun (wholeness). Sole god of pharaoh Akhenaten. Also known as the Superior Sun (Saturn)
Bast goddess of war in Lower Egypt (represented by cat). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Bes god of households
Dah-Hah Dees King of Hell Refers to Satan. (see explanation)
Elkenah "God of Kinah" -- Canaanites (see Facsimile 1-3)
Geb Earth god. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Hapi god of Nile River flooding. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Hathor goddess of love; Sun goddess (represented by a cow). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Horus god of light (represented by a falcon). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Hu demigod at Giza. Known as the Sphinx by early Greeks.
Ishtar fertility goddess (Venus). Likewise worshipped by Mari and Philistines. Known as Astarte in Athens and Sparta.
Isis goddess; consort and sister of Osiris. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Khepri (Khapri) god of rising Sun (represented by scarab beetle or lotus flower)
Khonsu "the traveler" (Moon); worshipped at Thebes
Korash "Cush" -- Sudan (see Facsimile 1-3)
Libnah "White Land" -- Libya or Lebanon (see Facsimile 1-3)
Maat goddess of justice and truth (represented by a feather). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Mahmackrah "Mighty like unto Rah (Re)" (see Facsimile 1-3)
Min most powerful and oldest Egyptian god. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Mut consort of Amun-Re. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Neith goddess (Mother Bee). She represented Egyptus.
Nut sky goddess; goddess of heaven. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Opet Festival celebrated yearly at Thebes (Luxor). Started during the New Kingdom period and honored: Amon; Mut; Khonsu
Osiris resurrected god; consort and brother of Isis. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Ptah god of creation (meaning = Father); husband of Sekhmet
Re (Rah) god of midday Sun (represented by a hawk). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Sekhmet goddess of healing and war (in Upper Egypt); wife of Ptah
Set (Seth) god of darkness and death (Mercury). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Shu air god. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Shu-Anhur   god of war (Mars).
Sobek crocodile god; assisted in resurrection of Osiris. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Sokar (aka Seker) falcon god; sometimes shown as a phoenix, which represented 1,000 and rebirth. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Taweret goddess of childbirth and fertility. Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Thermuthis goddess of harvest
Thoth god of wisdom (similar to Greek god called Hermes). Likewise worshipped by Hyksos.
Wadjet goddess who protected ancient Egypt

© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst