Trojan Kingdom      
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(Text by Duane R. Hurst © 2013)

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Significant Event:
    Greeks Employ the Trojan Horse
    Trojan War (1194-1184 BC)

Main Cities: Troy
Time: 2000-1184 BC
Language: Aramaic; Luwian
Personage: Achilles; Helen; Paris; Priam
Religion: Trojan Gods
Related Country: Turkey

Brief History:
      I have included only a few items concerning the history of this kingdom. A good source for more details can be found on Wikipedia or in history books.

Map of Troy Empire
Click Map to Enlarge
      Early Hittites called the city Wilusa or Truwisa; the land of Troy was called Ahhiyawa. King Hattusili III of Hattusa signed a peace treaty with Troy. According to Herodotus, circa 1900 BC Hittite expansion caused an influx of migrants into western Anatolia. During the same period, Sea Peoples reportedly destroyed an early Troy, as they also wrought a wide swath of destruction throughout lands of the Levant.

      People rebuilt Troy several times prior to events of the famous Trojan War. Homer, a poet of ancient Greece, included a description of the Trojan Horse in his epic poem, "The Iliad." Achaeans (Mycenaeans) of northern Peloponnese eventually razed Troy VII after a long-fought war.

      Although war between Troy and Greek city-states allegedly broke out due to Paris kidnapping Helen, a more likely reason was Greek desire to obtain rich grain lands and control the Dardanelles trade route. Local people rebuilt Troy on a smaller scale after the fire but the kingdom ended in 1184 BC. The Roman poet, Virgil, claimed a Trojan hero named Aeneas escaped Troy's destruction and his descendants (brothers Romulus and Remus) founded ancient Rome.

      Troy ceased to be an independent kingdom, but people subsequently rebuilt smaller towns on the site. Prior to crossing the Hellespont in 480 BC, king Xerxes I of the Persian Empire offered a sacrifice at Troy.

© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst