The Rodeo Murder
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Story Information:
First Composed: 1960
First Published: 1960
From Collection: Three at Wolfe's Door
Location: New York City
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan

Victim #1: Wade Eisler (in Lily Rowen's NYC penthouse)
Murderer: Roger Dunning
Motive: Eisler learned Dunning cheated him of much money
Weapon: Steel rod (to head); strangled with rope
Client: Lily Rowen
Fee: $5,000 retainer

Story Synopsis:
      Archie Goodwin's favorite flame holds a roping contest in her penthouse, but is roped up in a murder investigation. Nero Wolfe gets more than a blue grouse dinner as Lily Rowen hires him to make the cops look bad. His office is the scene of action--a cowgirl pulls a gun on Archie; two cowgirls brawl there; a cowboy smacks a suspect during a talk with Wolfe.
The Rodeo Murder
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© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst