Story Information:
First Composed: 1948
First Published: 1948
From Collection: Three Doors to Death
Location: New York City
& upstate New York
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan
Victim #1: Floyd Whitten (in NYC Whitten town house)
Murderer: Mrs. Whitten
Motive: He loved another woman
Weapon: 8" knife (in back)
Client: Marko Vukcic
Fee: None; service to an old friend Story Synopsis:
The redoubtable sleuth resolves another murder mystery as he obligates himself to an old chef accused of carving a corpse.
Archie Goodwin engineers such a
masterly preliminary step in exposing the culprit that
Nero Wolfe laughs in tribute. The
murderer even spends the night at the old brownstone following an attack on her life by an enraged girl friend of the victim.