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Story Information:
First Composed: 1947
First Published: 1947
Location: New York City
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan

Victim #1: Waldo Wilmot Moore (on NYC 39th St.)
Murderer: Jasper Pine
Motive: Didn't want Moore to marry Hester Livsey
Weapon: Car driven over body
Client: Naylor-Kerr, Inc.
Fee: Probably $100,000; $2,000 retainer

Victim #2: Kerr Naylor (on NYC 39th St.)
Murderer: Jasper Pine
Motive: Naylor knew Pine killed Moore
Weapon: Petrified wood to head; car driven over body
Client: Naylor-Kerr, Inc.
Fee: Same as above

Story Synopsis:
      Nero Wolfe accepts a job that lands Archie Goodwin in the midst of 500 young women and a double murder. Archie manages to wheedle information from a bevy of lovelies, including one who insists that she doesn't know how to talk to a man until after they kiss. He also slugs it out with an irate husband as he prepares to usher the wife into Wolfe's home. The murderer suicides by jumping from a 36th floor window.
Too Many Women
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© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst