Story Information:
First Composed: 1960
First Published: 1961
From Collection: Trio for Blunt Instruments
Location: New York City
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan
Victim #1: Dennis Ashby (in his NYC office)
Murderer: John Mercer
Motive: Threatened to work for rival company
Weapon: Petrified wood to head; pushed from 10th floor window
Client: None
Fee: None
Victim #2: Pete Vassos (in New Jersey)
Murderer: John Mercer
Motive: Knew Mercer was a murderer
Weapon: Hit and pushed off cliff
Client: Elma Vassos
Fee: $1 retainer; assuage Wolfe's anger with Cramer Story Synopsis:
Murder deprives Nero Wolfe of his bootblack and entangles him
in a dual murder; it also gets a female in the south room for safekeeping. Wolfe initiates multi-million dollar lawsuits against murder suspects
and Inspector Cramer. He tackles the case
largely to strike back at Cramer's crude insults.