Story Information:
First Composed: 1939
First Published: 1985
From Collection: Death Times Three
Location: New York City
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan
Victim #1: Arthur Tingley (in his NYC office)
Murderer: Gwendolyn Yates
Motive: Type
Weapon: Iron weight to head; knife (cuts throat)
Client: #1: Amy Duncan
#2: Wolfe's self-esteem (angry with person who ruined his paté)
#3: Leonard Cliff
Fee: Unspecified (satisfy his determination to find a paté poisoner) Story Synopsis: Nero Wolfe is furious with
whomever poisoned a can of liver paté, especially since it occurred while
Fritz Brenner was sick in bed.
He determines to investigate the matter just before admitting a client who pays for the same investigation. During
the dogged hunt two suspects attack Archie Goodwin,
the client is injured, and
Inspector Cramer is angry because Archie leaves the scene of a murder.