Story Information: A&E Nero Wolfe Series (DVD Movie Collection) Nero Wolfe: Complete Series (DVD TV Collection)
First Composed: 1946
First Published: 1947
From Collection: Trouble in Triplicate
Location: New York City
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan
Victim #1: Angelina Murphey (front of her NYC apartment)
Murderer: Morton Schane
Motive: Afraid she would reveal Schane’s identity
Weapon: Pistol (several bullets to body)
Client: Dazy Perrit
Fee: $5,000
Victim #2: Dazy Perrit (on Wolfe's stoop)
Murderer: Morton Schane
Motive: Unexplained threat to Schane
Weapon: Pistol
Client: Dazy Perrit (posthumous)
Fee: $50,000 for Wolfe to be executor of Perrit estate
Victim #3: Archie (on Wolfe's stoop)
Murderer: Morton Schane
Motive: Eliminate Perrit’s bodyguard
Weapon: Pistol
Client: None
Fee: None Story Synopsis: Nero Wolfe, in a panic to grab
some real meat during the "Great Meat Shortage," accepts a job from a notorious black-market figure, against
Archie Goodwin's
strenuous objections. He becomes legal guardian to the gangster's daughter and must solve a triple murder in order
to safeguard his new ward. In a rare exhibition of gunplay, two underworld figures and
Saul Panzer kill the murderer in Wolfe's office.