Made man | Mafia member who has killed someone (Don Julio is surrounded with made men.) |
Magpie | Person who talks too much (I heard that Suzie is a real magpie.) |
Make a clean breast of it | To tell the truth; expose the facts |
Make a night of it | To enjoy; get drunk (They certainly made a night of it.) |
Make a stand | To hold a position (The troops will make a stand near the river.) |
Make big | To succeed (I'm going to make it big in movies.) |
Make do | Have or be sufficient to succeed (We have enough food to make do.) |
Make fun of | To ridicule (Students often make fun of people that don't like.) |
Make good on | To fulfill (Steve must make good on his promise.) |
Make hay while the sun shines | Take action now (You better make hay while the sun shines.) |
Make head spin | Flabbergasted; unbelievable (His lies can make my head spin.) |
Make it | To arrive (We made it to Hawaii on a jumbo jet.) |
Make it back | To return (We probably can make it back home before midnight.) |
Make no bones about | To admit openly (Mom made no bones about opposing a trip to New York.) |
Make out | To kiss; have an amorous experience (Don't let teenagers make out tonight.) |
Make sure | To guarantee; ensure (Make sure to include me at your party.) |
Make the cut | To be chosen (John made the cut and is now on the team.) |
Make the dust fly | To cause trouble (Her actions will make the dust fly.) |
Make the flesh crawl | To be repulsive (Vampire movies make my flesh crawl.) |
Make the fur fly | To cause trouble (She's going to make the fur fly for sure.) |
Man | Slang term for a "friend" [even refers to a boy] (Hey man, I need help.) |
Man! | Mild expletive (Man, I don't like that hat!) |
Mark, a | Targeted gullible person (Con men are on the lookout for a good mark.) |
Mealy-mouthed | Sycophantic (I can't stand that mealy-mouthed politician.) |
Mean | Skillful (Jeremy plays a mean horn.) |
Mean business | To be serious (Be careful, that man means business.) |
Mean-mouth | Verbal criticism; gossip (Samantha often mean-mouths other girls in her class.) |
Mental case | Crazy person (Martha is so despondent that she may become a mental case.) |
Mellow | Calm; peaceful (Melissa is a mellow person.) |
Merry-go-round | Boring life (I'm tired of this merry-go-round.) |
Mess | Disorderly (Little boys usually make a mess when they play.) |
Mess around | Act inappropriately (I'm not going to mess around.) |
Mess around with | To use; exploit (Joe likes to mess around with other people's goods.) |
Mess with | To violate or bother (You can't mess with our equipment.) |
Might could | Might [Southern dialect] (Bubba might could meet us at the ball game tonight.) |
Mill about | To congregate (Molly noticed 25 people milling about after the dance.) |
Millstone | A burden (Barney is a millstone, who stifles any creative thoughts.) |
Milquetoast | Coward; weak person (A Milquetoast refuses to defend his family from a bully.) |
Mind in the gutter | Think dirty thoughts (We think his mind is in the gutter.) |
Mind is a blank | Cannot remember (I'm sorry, but my mind's a blank.) |
Mind (your) own business | Not interfere with other people (You should mind your own business.) |
Mind (your) p's and q's | Be careful; act appropriately |
Mind-blowing | Fantastic (Nikki thought the movie's special effects were mind-blowing.) |
Miss by a mile | Not even close (Matt missed catching his girlfriend by a mile.) |
Miss for the world | Must see or do (I wouldn't miss this for the world!) |
Miss is as good as a mile, a | Expression that means: Not even close |
Miss the boat | Too late; to fail (Suzie missed the boat on that assignment.) |
Mite, a | Small amount (Nick will only take a mite of drink.) |
Mixed bag, a | Odd assortment (Melissa sure has a mixed bag of friends.) |
Monkey around | To play; be foolish (You'll get in trouble if you keep monkeying around.) |
Monkey business | Foolishness; insincere acts (Samantha gave Manuel the monkey business.) |
Monkey with | Use without familiarity (You should not monkey with that new computer.) |
Mooch | To freeload; a freeloader (Bobby loves to mooch off his friends.) |
Moon | Expose the bare butt as an insult (Students mooned school officials as part of a protest.) |
Moon around | To mope (I don't want Carl to moon around here just because he's lonely.) |
Moonlight | Work a second job at night (David doesn't want his boss to know he moonlights.) |
Moonshine | 1. Nonsense (That sounds like a lot of moonshine to me.) 2. Homemade liquor (Federal agents are looking for the moonshine still.) |
Moonstruck | Mesmerized by love (Hitomi was moonstruck after meeting a new boyfriend.) |
Mop the floor with | To beat someone (Fred mopped the floor with that bully.) |
Mop up | To clean (Jeannie mopped up the floor.) |
Mop-up | To complete a military action (First division will conduct the mop-up.) |
More fun than a barrel of monkeys | Very fun |
More power to (you) | Be successful (More power to you if you think it will work.) |
More than meets the eye | Unexpected result or ability (There's more to Steve than meets the eye.) |
Mosey on | Unhurried travel [Cowboy talk] (Those cowboys will mosey on to the ranch.) |
Moth-eaten | Old and with holes (Martin should dump his moth-eaten clothes.) |
Move in | To enter permanently (A new family moved in next door to us.) |
Muckle onto | To fight (Roberto muckled onto a big man.) |
Muff | To make a mistake (Peter muffed his chance to date Mary-Jane.) |
Mug | A face (Jeanie likes to admire her mug in the mirror.) |
Mug shot | Police photograph of a criminal's face (Each suspect has mug shots taken.) |
Mule-headed | Stubborn (Peter is too mule-headed to listen.) |
Mushmouth | To speak incoherently (I can't understand that mushmouth.) |
My word | 1. To promise (I give my word on that.) 2. Mild expression of surprise (My word! I thought it could not be done.) |
My stars | Mild expression of surprise (My stars! I didn't expect you to come this early.) |
© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst