Face down | To win a confrontation (William faced down his detractors.) |
Face front | Look to the front [Military term] (Captain Reed ordered troops to face front.) |
Face lift | Operation to enhance facial beauty (Obviously that old actress had a face lift.) |
Face off | Confrontation (The two opponents faced off near North Park.) |
Face-saving | Action taken to redeem a shortcoming (The government is engaged in another face-saving gesture.) |
Face up to | To confront; accept (It's about time that you face up to your responsibility.) |
Fag | Homosexual [rude; do not use this word] (Some people don't like fags.) |
Fall behind | 1. To lag (Benjamin fell behind the other students in his grades.) 2. To hide for protection (Troops were ordered to fall behind a protective wall.) |
Fall down | To fall (Danny fell down the back door steps.) |
Fall for | 1. Gullible (Josie falls for any new marketing claim.) 2. To love (It's very surprising that Alisa fell for that man.) |
Fall for like a ton of bricks | Tricked completely (Nickolas fell for the scam like a ton of bricks.) |
Fall in | 1. A reduction (It feels like a fall in the weather.) 2. To form ranks [Military term] (Troops were ordered to fall in.) |
Fall on (her) face | To fail (Matilda tried hard but fell on her face.) |
Fall out | 1. To be outside (Be sure not to fall out when you ride the roller-coaster.) 2. To leave ordered ranks [Military term] (An officer told the troops to fall out.) |
Fall out of | Fall outside (Betty almost fell out of the car.) |
Fall over | 1. To trip (Be careful not to fall over that cliff.) 2. To love or like (Mike is falling over the new girl in school.) |
Fall short | Insufficient (Tommy fell short on his mortgage bill.) |
Falling out, a | No longer friends; an argument (The boys had a falling out.) |
Fake out | To trick or surprise (Antonio faked out the opposing team.) |
False front | Building with a front much larger than the actual structure |
Falsies | Artificial breasts (June evidently is wearing falsies.) |
Far out | Great; excellent (Far out, man! Hope you can join us soon.) |
Fast break | Basketball move (Arthur made a fast break down the center.) |
Fast talker | Adroit at making excuses (Billy has always been a fast talker.) |
Fast track | Accelerated path (Andy is on the company's fast track to success.) |
Fast-track | To expedite (You better fast-track this shipment of plants.) |
Fat chance | Impossible; unlikely (Fat chance that you can beat me.) |
Fat city | Easy life; things are great (It must be great to live in fat city like Edith.) |
Fat lot of good | Useless; futile (A fat lot of good this manual is without the machine.) |
Fatso | Fat person (Fatso is eating too much again.) |
Fed up with | Angry; disgusted (His parents are fed up with John's bad behavior.) |
Feed a line | To lie (Marianna fed Danilo a line about her previous work experience.) |
Feel blue | To be despondent (Dawn feels blue because John dumped her.) |
Feel cheap | Worthless (Veronica felt cheap because of Bill.) |
Feel down | To be depressed (Betsy is feeling down tonight.) |
Feel like a million bucks | Elated (Dan felt like a million bucks after getting a raise.) |
Feel-up | Sexually molest (Too many TSA agents enjoy feeling-up people.) |
Fella | Fellow (Natalie is dating a new fella now.) |
Feller | Fellow (Jimmy wants to play outside with the other fellers.) |
Fender bender | Minor traffic accident (Sam's car was in a fender bender on State Street) |
Field | Respond to; take action (I'm confident that Mark can field all questions.) |
Fignewton, a | Sickening person (Nancy refused to speak with that fignewton.) |
Figure out | To determine (I can figure out how to repair your computer.) |
Figures | To be expected (That figures. I thought it was the problem.) |
Fill gap | To replace; support (I hope we can find someone to fill the gap.) |
Fill shoes | To replace; substitute for (Nobody can fill Peter's shoes.) |
Finder's fee | Compensation for discovery (Martha is entitled to the finder's fee.) |
Finders keepers, losers weepers | A person who finds something can keep it. The loser cannot reclaim it. |
Finest kind | Excellent (This lobster bisque is finest kind!) |
Fink | Tattletale (The school fink often runs to rat on a student.) |
Fire | To lose a job (The department store fired half of its employees last week.) |
Fire up | 1. To Excite (A good speaker can fire up the audience.) 2. To Start (Fire up the engine and let's go to town.) |
Fish or cut bait | Get involved or get out. |
Fix | 1. To ensure an illegal action (A criminal fixed the boxing match.) 2. To prepare (She fixed dinner.) 3. A dose of narcotics (An addict looks forward to his regular fix.) |
Fix wagon | To get retribution; repay (someone) (Don't worry, I'll fix her wagon!) |
Fizzle | Failure (Aaron felt like his life was just an endless fizzle.) |
Flack | Trouble (Don't give me any flack!) |
Flack, a | A shill (Most media people today are flacks for corporate masters.) |
Flake, a | Superficial person (That flake dresses and acts just to attract attention.) |
Flap | Problem (Joel's mistake could create a flap at the company.) |
Flapjack | Pancake (Buddy likes to eat flapjacks for breakfast.) |
Flat | 1. Tire that has no air (Bill's car had a flat on the way to school.) 2. Apartment (I just rented a flat in New York City.) |
Flat out | Completely (Jenny flat out lied about being an actress.) |
Flatfoot | Policeman who walks a beat (A flatfoot arrived after thieves broke into the store.) |
Flathead | Stupid person (How can Beth go with a flathead like Winthrow?) |
Flea-bag | Dirty, run-down place (This hotel is a horrible flea-bag!) |
Flick, a | A movie (Do you want to watch a flick at home?) |
Flip lid | To become angry (I'm afraid Pietro might flip his lid because he hates lies.) |
Flip off | To make a rude finger motion (That jerk flipped us off.) |
Flip out | To become crazy or angry (She suddenly flipped out.) |
Floor (someone) | To surprise completely (Marco floored Anna with the news.) |
Floozy | Trashy woman (A big-haired floozy started yelling at us.) |
Flop/Flophouse | Cheap, dirty place to sleep (I hate staying in a flophouse.) |
Flub | To fail; make a mistake (Joan flubbed her chance to get a great job.) |
Flunkie | Stooge; subservient person (Congressmen have many flunkies who perform the work.) |
Fly a kite!, go | Rude expression: Mind your own business! Don't bother me! |
Fly in the face of | Counter to something; opposite (Your idea flies in the face of reason.) |
Fly in the ointment | An irritation; obstacle (His coming here was like a fly in the ointment.) |
Fly off the handle | Angry (Mom can fly off the handle about small problems.) |
Foghorn | Loud (Everyone can hear Ronald's foghorn voice.) |
Fold | To fail (That new restaurant will fold within the year.) |
Follow suit | Do the expected thing (As I expected, Jim is going to follow suit.) |
Fool around; fool around with | 1. Not serious (George means well. He's just fooling around.) 2. To be loose sexually (Marge likes to fool around with men.) |
Fool with | To be occupied; use (I enjoy fooling with computers.) |
For a rainy day | Time of trouble (We should save some money for a rainy day.) |
For crying out loud | Expression of mild disgust or disappointment |
For kicks | For fun (Rowdies decided to raid the store for kicks.) |
For the birds | Futile (This is for the birds. It can't be done!) |
For the love of Pete | Expression of mild disgust or disappointment |
Forget it | Do not worry (Forget it. That torn shirt was already old.) |
Foul up | To make a mistake (The company will not tolerate another foul up.) |
Frame | To make it appear that an innocent person is guilty (Clay was framed.) |
Frame-up | An innocent person is made to appear guilty (I won't tolerate a frame-up.) |
Free feed | Complimentary meal (That diner sometimes gives a free feed.) |
Free lunch | A handout (I don't believe in a free lunch.) |
Free time | Time to do whatever you desire. (I'm happy for free time away from work.) |
Freebie | Something that is free (That store often gives out freebies.) |
Freeloader | Person who always takes (Betty won't allow freeloaders to stay in the house.) |
Front, a | Location used as a subterfuge (That store is a front for illegal activity.) |
Front and center | Come to the front for recognition [Military term] (He came front and center to receive a medal.) |
Frosts (me) | Cause anger (It frosts me that Carl is so irresponsible.) |
Frosts (my) cookie | Cause anger (The false allegation frosts our cookie.) |
Full blast, at | Completely; top speed (Let's drive the car at full blast.) |
Full of | To have a surfeit (Mother is full of life.) |
Full of baloney | Nonsense (Oh, you're full of baloney.) |
Full of beans | Nonsense (He's full of beans.) |
Full of bull | Nonsense (That news report is full of bull.) |
Full of crap | Garbage; nonsense; useless things [rude] (The room is full of your crap.) |
Full of hot air | Boastful (That politician is full of hot air.) |
Full of it | Boastful (John is full of it! Don't believe him.) |
Funny farm | Insane asylum (Officials took Crazy John to the funny farm.) |
Fuzz | 1. Police (Watch out, the fuzz are monitoring traffic today.) 2. Whiskers (Dave is excited to have fuzz on his chin and cheeks.) |
© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst