Battle Ball
Game by Duane R. Hurst: Copyright © 1990
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All rights reserved. No portion of this game may be reproduced without the prior written consent of the author.  Permission may be obtained by writing to:
Duane R. Hurst (
The objective is for an "army" to win two out of three "battles" in order to win the "war".

  - One "battle ball" per player; must be a soft, air-filled ball (6" in diameter).
  - One shield per player (10" in diameter); type depends on player's "army" (Knight; Roman; Viking).
  - One helmet per player, including a protective visor.
  - One set of soft greaves per player (Knight; Roman).  Viking has crisscross "boots" vice greaves.
  - Four "fort" markers (cone shaped).
  - One "battlefield" rope; 20' in length, used to separate the two "armies" during a battle.
  - Field (outdoors or indoors); area large enough to accomodate the total number of players; 
    adult referees can determine the size.  
Battle Ball Armor (Designed and Made by Duane Hurst)
Roman Armor Knight Armor Knight Armor Viking Armor
          SETUP:  All players position themselves on their side of the
"battlefield" before a referee begins the fight.  For example, Knights
would line up opposite Vikings.  Players never cross the rope that
separates forces.
          Each player starts with one "battle ball" and all protective
gear.  Instruct all players to wear such protection throughout the
game, so as to avoid injury.

          FIGHTING:  Players throw "battle balls" at opponents during
the game, trying to "kill" or "wound" all foes.  An "army" wins a battle
when its players eliminate all opponents from the "battlefield".
          Adult referees observe the following list of "injuries" and 
penalties during the game:

          DEAD:  Hit in the chest, abdomen or back.  A dead player must
                 leave the "battlefield" and wait until "brought alive"
                 by another teammate.  A teammate can only "bring alive"
                 a dead player by killing or wounding an opponent WHILE
                 STANDING INSIDE the small "fort" on his side of the
                 All who cross the midfield "battlefield" rope "die"

          WOUNDED:  Hit in the shoulder, arm, buttocks or thigh.  A
                 "wounded" player must leave the "battlefield" for 30
                 seconds.  He can return to the "battlefield" after
                 that time is up.
          NOTE:  Helmets protect hits to the head; greaves and Viking
"boots" protect legs from the knees to the feet; shield and "battle ball"
can be used to block an opponent's ball.  A ball that first strikes the 
ground or protective gear cannot "kill" or "wound" a foe. Players cannot 
catch a ball; that counts as a wound to the hand.
          THE FORT:  Each side has one small "fort" located in the middle 
of the "battlefield", on their side of the rope.  Only ONE person can be 
inside the "fort"; a player can step in or out of the "fort" whenever it 
is vacant.  Markers indicate "fort" boundaries.
          When a player stand in the "fort" and "kills" or "wounds" an
opponent, a "dead" teammate is "brought alive" and can reenter the
"battlefield".  The player MUST have at least one foot inside the "fort"
while throwing the ball.
          COMING ALIVE:  A "dead" player ONLY is brought to life when a
teammate stands in the "fort" and hits an opponent, either "killing" or
"wounding" him.  If two or more teammates are "dead", the rule is:
          RETRIEVING BALL:  A player may go outside of the "battlefield"
(but NOT on the opponent's side of the rope) to retrieve balls.  A player
who steps out of the "battlefield" to avoid being hit is declared "dead".
Dead and wounded cannot hold balls, although they may help teammates by
retrieving balls on their side of the "battlefield"; however, they must
remain outside of the designated "battlefield".
STRATEGY:  Here are a few hints for players to use in battle:
          1. Make a "shield wall" for mutual protection and in blocking enemy
          2. Selected teammates may throw balls to decoy opponents into
             raising shields, while other players throw the exposed players.
          3. Use ball and shield to block an opponent's ball.
          4. Crouch down to present a smaller target.

SHORT VERSION:  Play can be regulated by setting a time limit for each
"battle" in the "war".

© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst