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Place or Thing       Story  Description

Abercrombie's              TB     Store in NYC

Agawalk Cemetery           F      White Plains, NY

Alec Gallant Inc           MJ     Fashion studio in NYC

ALPDNYS                    MD     Association of Licensed Private

                                    Detectives of New York State

Al's                       AD     Diner on 10th Ave, NYC; Archie often

                                    eats here

Alexander Hotel            OB TM  NYC

Allen's                    TR     Store on 34th Street, NYC

Althaus & Greif            DR     Clothing Co in NYC

Altman's                   CK     Department store in NYC

Ambrosia                   OF     Restaurant chain started by H.R. Landy

Ambrosia 1000              OF     H.R. Landy home near Katonah, NY

Amilia                     TB     Ship Peter Zov took to NYC

Amy's Nook                 CO     Diner in Greenwich Village, NYC

ASSADIP                    GS     Association for the Aid of Displaced

Audiovideo, Inc.           BW     NYC

Bagby Answers, Inc.        NW     Phone answering service, NYC

Bailey's Royal Medley      RB     Boxed candy

Bankers Club               FH     120 Broadway, NYC

Bar Jr.                    OD     Lily Rowen ranch in Lame Horse,


Barney's Bar & Grill       FD     78th Street & Madison, NYC

Barrett & DeRussy          OB     International bank

Barwick's                  CO     Florist shop

Bascom Detective Agency    SS     Dell Bascom is the owner; in NYC

Bascombe Hotel             BT     NYC

Basilia                    TB     Ship Archie Goodwin & Nero Wolfe take

                                    From Genoa, Italy

Beck Products Corp.        IE     Manufactures military equipment

Beebright                  WK     Carbonated soft drink

Belford Memorial Chapel    RB     73rd Street mortuary, NYC

Berengarcia                TR     Ship

Berry Creek Road           OD     On Lily Rowen's ranch in Montana

Bert's                     PY     Diner on 10th Ave, NYC

Bidwell                    F      Hotel in NYC

Birchvale                  BF     Sarah Rackham country estate, NY

Bischoff's Pet Shop        SC     Arnold Zeck front in NYC

Blue Alcove                MH     Bar in Hotel Churchill, NYC

Bobolink                   MB     Night club in NYC

Boudet's                   GS     Jeweler in NYC

Boyden McNair, Inc.        RB     Dress designer in NYC

BPA                        CO     Book Publishers of America

Broadway Stenographic      MB     NYC


Bronx River Inn            LM     NYC

Brownstone on East         JP     Saul Panzer home in NYC

  38th Street NW

Brownstone at 922 West     All    Nero Wolfe home in NYC

  35th Street

Bruegel's                  BE     Delicatessen in NYC

Bruner Realty              DR     NYC

Bullock's-Wilshire         MA     Dept store

Burleson's                 CP     Costume shop in NYC

Calico Room                HW     Restaurant in Hotel Churchill, NY

Camelot du roi             RB     "Parisian royalist political gang"

CAN                        PG     Continental Air Network, NYC

Charley’s Grill            KN     Diner in NYC

Charity Funds Investi-     MD     NY Governor starts it

  gating Committee

Chateau Montcalm           TM     Hotel in Quebec, Canada

Chesebrough                RB     NYC

Chezar's                   HR     Restaurant in NYC

Cispadana                  TB     Guido Battista's boat, Italy

Clarinda Day's             DS     Beauty salon

CLEAR (CLEAN)              BP     Citizens Looking to Enjoy Arboreal Nature

Cleever of Hollywood       FO     Tailor, California

Codray Associates          D      Public Relations; handles Ambrose

                                    Perdis account

Coffee Pot                 LM     Diner on Perry Street, NYC

Col de mort                OB     Used on an epee tip

Collarder House            PY     Boarding house in NYC

Colonna's                  DS     Night club in NYC

Consolidated Cereals       BE     NYC

Continental Bank &         BM FH  34th Street branch, NYC; 86th Street 

  Trust Co                          branch, NYC

Continental Café           OD     Timberburg, Montana

Continental Mines, Corp.   SC

Cooler, The                FH     Restaurant in NYC

Cordoni's                  CO     Restaurant in NYC

Corliss Holmes             F      Sporting goods store in NYC

Cornwall & Mayer           HW     Protection agency in NYC

Covered Porch              BF DT  Restaurant/night club in Scarsdale, NY

CPBM                       SC     Committee of Progressive Businessmen; 

                                    communist front

Crooked Circle             BF     Night club in NYC

Crooked River              IM     Near River Bend, NY

Crowfield County           SB     Archie Goodwin starts it while in

  Prisoners’ Union                   jail; Crowfield, NY

Culp's Meadows             JP     Site of URWA July 4th picnic on Long

                                    Island, NY

Curran's Motors            BP     Garage on 10th Ave, where Wolfe keeps vehicles

Daniel Cullen & Company    WW     Wall Street office, NYC

Danny's Bar & Grill        GS     Greasy spoon on 9th Ave, NYC

Daumery & Nieder           MA     Fashion designers on 7th Ave, NYC

DeWitt Clinten Hotel       BP     Albany, NY

District Attorney's        Many   155 Leonard Street, NYC


Dixie Bower                AD     Dance hall in NYC

Dolphin Corp.              MH     Cover term for Nero Wolfe

Domencio's                 TM     Restaurant in Paris, France

Dowd Roofing Company       OD     Timberburg, Montana

Drew Theatre, The          EM     NYC

Driscoll's Emporium        MA     Clothing buyer in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Driscoll Renting Agency    DR     NYC

Drummond                   TR     Florist on Park Ave, NYC

Dunwoodie, Prescott &      WW     Law firm in NYC


Dwyer's                    FH     Lunchroom on East 39th Street, NYC

East & West Realty         FH     NYC

Eastcrest                  BF     Arnold Zeck estate in NY

Ebbets Field               BP     Dodgers baseball field in Brooklyn, NY

Eldorado, The              TM     Restaurant in Madrid, Spain

Ellen James Home           BE     Founding home in NY

Emerald Hotel              TM     Dublin, Ireland

Empire Café                TM     London, England

Exclusive Novelty Button   MH     NYC


Fatted Calf, The           FD     Restaurant in Branchville, NY

FBC                        AV     Federal Broadcasting Company; radio in


Feder Paper Company        GW

Federal Holding Corp.      FH

Ferguson's Market          RB     NYC

Fisher Laboratories        CI SC  Nero Wolfe uses them for item analysis

Flamingo Club              BF     Nightclub in NYC; Archie Goodwin

                                    regularly dances here; mentioned in

                                    many stories

Fleet Messenger Service    BF     Delivered "sausage bomb" to Nero Wolfe

Fluff                      AV     Biscuit dough company

Forelli Hotel              TB     Genoa, Italy

Fountain of Health         MW     Health food diner in NYC

Fowler's Inn               FD     Country restaurant in NY

Framinelli's               CK     "Good" barbershop in NYC; Nero Wolfe

                                    and Archie Goodwin are regular


Frisbie's                  MW     Restaurant in NYC

Gambit Club                G      Chess club in NYC

Galagher's                 IE     Restaurant in NYC

Galbraith & Bowen          LM     Brokerage firm in NYC

Gale's Pharmacy            WK     NYC; Dan Gale is the owner

Gaydo's                    CO     Restaurant in NYC

General Messenger Service  SC     West 47th Street, NYC

Giordano's                 DD     Restaurant on West 39th Street, NYC

Glade, The                 PG     Lily Rowen estate in Westchester, NY

Glennanne                  RB     Boyden McNair country home in

                                    Brewster, NY

Glory Hole                 FD     Club in Greenwich Village, NY; Jimmy Vail worked there

Grainger's                 BM     Restaurant in NYC

Grand Central Palace       BO     Site of a flower show in NYC

Grantham House             CO     Charity to help husband-less pregnant

                                    women in NY

Greasy Hill                DT     Florence Hefferan home here; near

                                    Pitcairn estate in NY

Green & Best               FH     Advertising agency in NYC

Green Fence                PY     Restaurant in NYC

Green Meadow Club          F      Golf Club in Pleasantville, NY

Greenwich Bookshop         LM     NYC

Happy Andy                 AV     Candy bar for children

Harland Ide Detective      AD


Harvard Club               LM

Hartlespoon's              WW

Hemisphere Oil Company     IM

Henke's                    CO     Restaurant on Long Island, NY

Henniger's                 MD     Restaurant in Albany, NY

Herald Theater             SC     NYC

Herry Products, Inc.       BM     Make Pour Amour perfume; contest


Hillside Kennels           BF     Calvin Leeds is the owner; NY

Hirsh Laboratories         MH     43rd Street, NYC

Hi-Spot Company            AV     Makes bottled soft drink; sponsor of

                                    Madeline Fraser

Holland University         F

Homicide West              Many   Police station on West 20th St., NYC

Horland Protection         DS     Security service at Otis Jarrell   

  Agency                            penthouse, NYC

Horney's                   NW     Restaurant on 52nd Street, NYC

Hotel Christie             CO     NYC

Hotel Churchill            TM     NYC; mentioned in many stories

Hotel Hastings             TM     Calcutta, India

Hotel Marbury              MD     NYC

Hotel Orinoco              PB

Hotel Portland             TR     56th Street, NYC

Iron Mine Road             FD     NY; where Dina Utley was murdered

Jake's                     BF     Restaurant in NYC

Jerry's Joint              DR     Restaurant in NYC

John's Palace              TR     Shack in Silver City, Nevada

Johnson's Corral           TR     Silver City, Nevada

Kanawha Spa                TM     Resort in West Virginia

Kauffman Management Co.    FH     42nd Street, NYC

Knickerbocker Hotel        F

Kurume Yellows             BO     Disease of broad-leaved evergreen


Lamb & McCullough          IM     Insurance Company in NY; Nero Wolfe

                                    dropped a job for them

Lantham Hotel              MD     Albany, NY

Lathrop Protective         PG     NYC


League of Yugoslavian      OB     Nero Wolfe sends money to it


Les Quinze Maitres         TM     "The 15 Masters" group of master chefs

Levay Recorders, Inc.      SM     NYC

Lippert, Buff & Assa       BM     Advertising agency in NYC

Little's Garage            TM     Charleston, West Virginia

Ludlow Laboratories        G      NYC

Mac's Barbershop           BP     Carmel, NY

Maddox & Welling           GS     Law firm in NYC

Majestic                   MM     Theater in NYC

Maidstone Building         OB     Site of Driscoll's office on 42nd St.,


Maidstone Hotel            DD     NYC

Manhattan Ballet           SC     Jimmy Sperling helps start it; modern


Manhattan Flower Club      DM     NYC; members visit Nero Wolfe's


Marlin County              TM     West Virginia; location of Kanawha Spa

Mart's Diner               BF     11th Ave, NYC

Martucci's                 FM     Restaurant in NYC

Mary Jane's                FD     Restaurant in White Plains, NY

MAWA                       AD     Mechanics Alliance Welfare Association

McAlpin                    LM     Hotel in NYC

Meadow's Dept. Store       OF

Meltettes                  AV     Candy company

Mercer's Bobbins, Inc.     KN     Sewing products; NYC

Metro Safe Deposit Co.     AD

Metropolitan Agency        F      Bodyguard service in NYC

Metropolitan Orchid Show   RB     NYC

Metropolitan Stenogra-     MB     NYC

  phers, Inc.

Midtown National Bank      RB

Miller's                   F      Stenographic service, NYC

Milestone School           GS     NYC

Mingo Pavilion             TM     Kanawha Spa, West Virginia

Mohan's                    DS     Bar in NYC

Mondor's                   TC     Restaurant in NYC

Mondor's                   TM     Restaurant in Paris, France

"Monroe County Register"   OD     Weekly paper; Montana

Montrose Hospital          ZC     NYC

Monty's Tavern             IE     Westchester, NY

Moreland's                 RB     Diner in NYC

Morsini's                  MM     Restaurant in NYC

Mount Kisco                AW     Fyfe family home in NY

Mount Sinai Hospital       GW     Abraham Rentner is a specialist here;


Mummiani                   BF     Nero Wolfe buys groceries from here;


Murger's                   LM TR  Book store in NYC

Mushroom Theater           CM     Site of counterfeit ring; NYC

NAAD                       PY     National Association of Authors &


Nahm & Son                 PY     Publishers

Naylor-Kerr, Inc.          MW     NYC

Nelson Garage              BO     Salamanca, NY

New Frontier               SC     Restaurant in NY; Jimmy Sperling is

                                    half owner

NIA                        SS     National Industrial Association

Norris & Baum              PY     Literary agent

North Shore Trucking Corp  DR     NYC

Northern Parkway           BP     Proposed highway in NY

Nunn's Garage              GS     10th Ave, NYC

"Operation Payroll"        SS     Nero Wolfe's plan to get himself hired

                                    to solve a murder

Orient Club                TR     NYC

Ost's Restaurant           CP     NYC

P & B Corp.                BE     Provisions & Beverages, NYC

Paragon Hotel              RM     NYC

Peggy Pilgrim              DR     Line of women's clothes

Penguin Club               DS     NYC

Perlman Paper Company      CO     East 28th Street, NYC

Perrine's                  FO     Eatery on 46th Street, NYC

Pete's Bar & Grill         IE     19th Street, NYC

Phil's                     SC     Archie plays pool here

Pierre's                   PB     Restaurant in NYC

Pietro's                   BE     Restaurant in NYC

Piotti's                   PA     Restaurant on 13th Street, NYC

Player's Club              LM

Pocahontas Pavilion        TM     Part of Kanawha Spa; Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin stay here

Polish Pavilion            WW     NYC

Polo Grounds               BP     NY Giants baseball field, NYC

Pot-au-Feu                 PY     Restaurant on 52nd Street, NYC

Pour Amour                 BM     Brand name perfume

Prince Henry Hotel         PB     Brooklyn, NY

Quinn & Collins            MH     Real estate office in NYC

Raphael Typing Service     MB     NYC

Rattan, The                TM     Restaurant in San Francisco, CA

Resnick & Spiro            MH     Infant wear

Resort Room                TM     Restaurant in Hotel Churchill, NYC

Ribeiro's                  BD     Restaurant on 52nd Street, NYC

Ritz                       NE     Lily Rowen lives here, NYC

River Bend                 IM     Mountain lodge of D.V. Bragan in the

                                    Adirondack Mountains, NY

Riviera Hotel              MB     Los Angeles, California

ROCC                       RD     The Rights of Citizens Committee

Romance Bar                BF     NYC

Roosevelt Hospital         DD     NYC

Ruby Room                  MB     Restaurant in Hotel Churchill, NYC

Rubber Band                TR     "Rubber Coleman" gang in Silver City,


Rucker & Dill              BO     Nursery & seed company in NY

Rusterman's                OF     Restaurant in NYC; owner is Marco

                                    Vukcic, Nero Wolfe later is his

                                    executor; Wolfe & Archie often eat

                                    here; it is mentioned in many


Saint Thomas's Church      EP     NYC

Sam's Diner                AB CI  11th Ave, NYC; also mentioned as on

                           FO NE    10th Ave in CM; Archie Goodwin eats


Santoretti's               WW     Italian restaurant on East 62nd

                                    Street, NYC

Sardi's                    AB MB

Schrafft's                 MM     Restaurant in NYC

Schramm's                  AW     Ice cream shop on Madison Ave, NYC

Seaboard Bank & Trust Co.  FH     NYC

Select Cab                 MW     NYC

Shafer Creek Motel         OD     Timberburg, Montana

Shepheard's Hotel          TM     Cairo, Egypt

Silver Room                MW     At Hotel Churchill, NYC

63 Arbor St. apartment     DR     NYC

Softdown, Inc.             PB     Corporation Priscilla Eads was to


South Seas Hotel           MB     Los Angeles, California

Southwest Agency           FO MB  Detective agency in Los Angeles, CA

Sparkle                    AV     Soft drink company

Speyer Hospital            SM     Animal hospital in NYC

Stillwell Riding Academy   FO     98th Street, NYC

Stony Acres                SC     James U. Sperling, Sr. estate at Chappaqua, NY

Stopgap Employment         MH


Surequick Pix              EP     Film processor in NYC

Sweeties                   AV     Snack food company; Madeline Frazer


Talbot Hotel               G      NYC

Ten Eyck Hotel             BP     Albany, NY

Ten for Aristology         DR PA  Gourmet group

Ten Little Indians, The    DD     Nightclub where Julie Jaquette works;


Thombs, The                LM     Prison in NY

Thompson's Garage          SB     Crowfield, NY

Tick-Tock"                 DR     Magazine

Tingley's Tidbits          BE     Liver pate

Tip-Top Restaurant         BP     Carmel, NY

Tom's Joint                CO     Greasy spoon in NYC

Tony's                     AB BM  Diner near Wolfe's NYC home; Archie

                                    Goodwin sometimes eats here

Toots Shor                 BP     Restaurant in NYC

"Track Almanac"            AV     Horse racing tip sheet

Travelers Club             MB     NYC

Troubadour Room            BF     In Hotel Churchill, NYC; Archie dances


Tulip Bar                  CP WM  In Hotel Churchill, NYC

United Syndicate           IM     Oil syndicate

Updegraff Nurseries        BO     Erie, Pennsylvania

Upshur Pavilion            TM     Part of Kanawha Spa, West Virginia

URWA                       JP     United Restaurant Workers of America;

                                    workers union

Varney College             WW

Vawter's General Store     OD     Lame Horse, Montana

Waldorf Hotel              SS     NYC

Washington Market          OB     NYC

Weeden's                   DS     Shoe shop in NYC

Wellman's                  WW     Bar on 8th Street, NYC

Westside Hotel             DR     NYC; Inspector Cramer secretly meets

                                    Archie Goodwin here

"What to Expect"           AV     Publication on political/economic


Whedon's Graveyard         OD     Wheatfield in Lame Horse, Montana

White Birch Soap           AV     Madeline Frazer sponsor

Willow Club                TM     Restaurant in Boston, Mass.

Wilmerding                 RB     Clothes designers in London, England

WNLA                       BM     Women's Nature League of America; HQS

                                    in Los Angeles, California

Woodbine                   CO     Restaurant in Westchester, NY

Woodlawn Railroad Station  LM

Woodrow Stepanian Hall     OD     Lame Horse, Montana

  of Culture

Worthington                NE     Hotel in Greenwich, NY

WPIT                       AV     Radio station in NYC

Yorio's                    DS     Shoe shop in NYC

Zussman's                  DS     Shoe shop