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AG       Archie Goodwin                a        approximately

ad       advertising                   aka      also known as

AP       Associated Press              apt      apartment

ASSADIP  Association for the Aid of    assist   assistant

           Displaced Persons           B        brother

BD       Board Director                BF       boy friend

BPA      member of Book Publishers     BPR      Bureau of Price

           Association of America                 Regulation

but      butler                        c        Nero Wolfe's client

CAN      Continental Air Network       Capt     captain

Co       company; county               Col      colonel

com      commissioner; committee       Corp     corporation

D        daughter                      d        deceased

DA       District Attorney             dep      deputy

dept     department                    dir      director

ed       editor                        exec     executive

F        father                        FBC      Federal Broadcasting

FBI      Federal Bureau of                        Company

           Investigation               fd       friend

GC       Gambit Club member            GD       granddaughter

Gen      general                       GF       girl friend

GLM      Guernsey League member        grad     graduate

H        husband                       Inc      incorporated

Jr       junior                        LA       League of Atonement; Los

LBA      Lippett, Buff & Assa law                 Angeles

           Firm                        Lt       lieutenant

M        mother                        m        murderer

mag      magazine                      Man      manager

MAWA     Mechanics Alliance            MFC      Manhattan Flower Club

           Welfare Association                    member

NAAD     National Association of       NATELEC  National Electronics

           Authors and Dramatists                 Industries

           Member                      Natl     national

NIA      National Industrial           NYC      New York City

           Association                 NYPD     New York City Police 

NYU      New York University                      Department

photog   photographer                  PI       private investigator

PLO      Palestine Liberation          PR       promotion representative

           Organization                Pres     president

pri      private                       pro      professional

prof     professor                     pub      publisher

rec      receptionist                  rep      reporter

Rest     restaurant                    RN       registered nurse

ROCC     the Rights of Citizens        S        son

           Committee member            SBM      Spirit of the Black

sec      secretary                                Mountain 

Sgt      sergeant                      sis      sister

sten     stenographer                  U        university

URWA     United Restaurant             v        victim

           Workers of member           VP       vice president

           America                     W        wife; Nero Wolfe

WNLA     Women's Nature League of

           America member