Somali Alphabet

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          a b c d dh e f g h i j k kh 
          l m n o q r s t u w x y '

          A B C D DH E F G H I J K KH 
          L M N O Q R S T U W X Y '

          Many of the Somali sounds are similar enough to
          English sounds that the differences can be
          ignored for listening purposes. But there are 
          some critical differences:

          The vowels (a,e,i,o,u) are similar to the "Continental
          vowels" (like French or Spanish):

          a = fAther
          e = gourmEt
          i = sI senor
          o = gO 
          u = tUdor 

          All of the vowels have contrastive 'long' counterparts
          that appear in any Somali text as doubled vowels:
          (aa, ee, ii, oo, uu). NB: These vowels are the most 
          obvious visual characteristic of a Somali text.

          The consonants that are different are as follows:

          c = this is the `Ayn  sound in Arabic. It is a
              constriction of the throat which results in
              a 'choking' sound.
          dh = is slightly retroflex like an East Indian
               saying the English word "mud" - it ends
               up sounding something like 'maRD'

          kh = is like the CH in Hebrew CHannukah.
               (sounds like a raspy 'H')
          q  = is like a K but further back in the throat.

          x  = is like a KH but further back in the throat and
               even raspier.

          1.         kow
          2.  	     laba
          3.	     saddex
          4.	     afar
          5.	     shan
          6.	     lix
          7.	     toddoba
          8.	     siddeed
          9.	     sagaal
          10.	     toban
          11.	     kow iyo toban
          11-19.     Same pattern as ll 
          	         "iyo" means 'and'
          	         [Example:  12 is "laba iyo toban"]
          20.	     labaatan
          30.	     soddon
          40.	     afartan
          50.	     konton
          60.	     lixdan
          70.	     toddobaatan
          80.	     siddeetan
          90.	     sagaashan
          100.	     boqol
          1000.	     kun
          million    malyuun

Days of the Week
          Sunday		Axad
          Monday		Isniin
          Tuesday		Talaada
          Wednesday	    Arbaca
          Thursday	    Khamiis
          Friday		Jimce
          Saturday	    Sabti


Characteristic Words/Suffixes Seen in Text
          AYAA     EE     IN     OO     MA     WAX     WAXAA

          -AAN     -AY    -DA   -KA    -KII   -KU  

Sample Text
          Qaramada Midoobay ayaa ka codsatay dawladda Faransiiska in ay
          ciidamadeeda sii joogaan dalka Soomaaliya, taasina waxay ka
          dambaysay kadib markii Faransiisku sheegay inuu dib ula noqonayo
          dhamaanba ciidamadooda jooga dalka Soomaaliya marka la gaaro
          bisha Jannaayo ee sanadka soo socda. Madaxweyne Mitairain ayaa waxa
          uu sheegay in ciidamada Faransiiska ay sii joogi doonaan dalka 
          Soomaaliya isaga oo ka hadlayay shir jaraa'id ee uu ku qabtay
          magaalada Sanca ee Cariga Yaman. Waxa kale oo uu madaxweynihii
          sheegay in joogitaanka ciidamada Faransiiska ee Soomaaliya ay ku xiran
          tahay sharuudda ah in aanay ka shaqeyneynin wax aan ka ahayn
          hawlo bini'aadannimo.

© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst