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Story Information:
Nero Wolfe: Rome Series (DVD Italian Collection)
First Composed: 1935
First Published: 1936
Location: New York City
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan

Victim #1: Harlan Scovil
Murderer: Anthony Perry
Motive: Attempting to reclaim share of money from Perry
Weapon: Pistol (5 bullets in body)
Client: Clara Fox, Michael Walsh and Hilda Lindquist
Fee: Unspecified; $1 retainer

Victim #2: Michael Walsh
Murderer: Anthony Perry
Motive: Knew Perry murdered Scovil
Weapon: Pistol (back of head)
Client: Clara Fox
Fee: Same as above

Story Synopsis:
      The law invades Nero Wolfe's home in a search for Clara Fox, whom Wolfe and Archie Goodwin keep hidden in the old brownstone until the case is solved. Fox and her friends hire Wolfe to wheedle money out of a British lord; he must clear her of a larceny charge and solve two murders on the way to reaching his goal. Perry shoots Wolfe in his left arm before both Archie and Clivers shoot and kill the dual murderer. Yet, Wolfe diligently finds time to continue his latest stab at exercise--throwing darts 15 minutes per day.
The Rubber Band
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