Some Buried Caesar
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Story Information:
First Composed: 1938
First Published: 1939
Location: New York City & upstate New York
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan

Victim #1: Clyde Osgood (in upstate NY pasture)
Murderer: Monte McMillan (suicides with anthrax serum in front of Wolfe)
Motive: Osgood knew McMillan had committed fraud
Weapon: Pick (to chest)
Client: Frederick Osgood
Fee: $1,000 + unspecified amount

Victim #2: Caesar (in the bull's pasture)
Murderer: Monte McMillan
Motive: Afraid experts will determine that the bull is not Caesar
Weapon: Anthrax in feed
Client: None
Fee: None

Victim #3: Howard Bronson (in a county fairgrounds stable)
Murderer: Monte McMillan
Motive: Bronson attempted to blackmail McMillan
Weapon: Pitchfork (in chest)
Client: None
Fee: None

Story Synopsis:
      Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin share hardships in this action-filled episode in which they foray north to exhibit orchids and get entangled in murder. Their car hits a tree, a "championship" bull chases them, and Archie goes to the hoosegow as a murder suspect. Archie stands guard over the bull while murder is committed in the pasture. Wolfe takes the case in what Archie calls an attempt to get a decent bed and chair. Lily Rowen makes her sultry first appearance.
Some Buried Caesar
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© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst