Chaldean Empire      
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(Text by Duane R. Hurst © 2013)

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Significant Event:
    Ziggurat of Etemenanki

Main Cities: Babylon; Basra; Bit-Yâkin; Bit-Adini
Time: 1000-539 BC
Language: Akkadian; Aramaic; Hittite
Personage: Merodach-Baladan; Nebopolassar; Nebuchadnezzar II (see Babylonian Empire)
Religion: Babylonian Gods
Related Country: Iran; Iraq

Brief History:
      I have included only a few items concerning the history of this empire. A good source for more details can be found on Wikipedia or in history books.

      Semitic tribesmen migrated from the Levant to a marshy region in modern Iraq during the 10th century BC. In 721 BC, King Merodach-Baladan allied with Elam and native Babylonians to seize Babylonia from Shalmaneser V. In 700 BC, he fled from Sargon II to his homeland of Bit-Yâkin.

Map of Chaldeann Empire
Click Map to Enlarge
      This also was called the Neo-Babylonian Empire (626-539 BC) under King Nabopolassar, who revolted against Assyria after the death of Ashurbanipal. In alliance with the Medes, Nabopolassar's army sacked Nineveh in 612 BC. His other allies included: Elamites; Persians; and Scythians. Nabopolassar also restored Akkadian as the state language and revived much of the ancient Sumerian-Akkadian culture.

      Nabopolassar's son, Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC), ruled after his father died. He rebuilt Babylon and other cities. Chaldea and Egypt often fought over control of the near east. King Jeconiah (aka Jehoicachin) of Judah foolishly relied upon Egypt and revolted against Nebuchadnezzar. After an 18-month siege in 597 BC, Jerusalem fell and three thousand captives were taken to Babylon. Chaldean troops also destroyed the famous Temple of Solomon. Nebuchadnezzar brought the empire to its zenith.

      The last king was Nabonidus (556-539 BC), who spent many years in the oasis of Tayma in modern northwest Saudi Arabia. He allowed son Belshazzar to rule during his absence. In 539 BC, Babylon fell to Cyrus the Great of Persia.

© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst